Stratigic Planning Committee



The Dean


The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


The Vice Dean


Vice Dean for Development, Quality and Academic Accreditation


Departments' Heads


  • Build the Strategic Plan of the college based on studying its reality, the needs of the local community, and the recent directions of plans. 
  • Consider restructuring the college, including existing departments and their suitability to serve the local community, propose new paths that keep pace with technical developments. 
  • Include the vision, mission, values, and objectives of the college in the Strategic Plan. 
  • Prepare an executive plan. 
  • Follow up and evaluate the implementation of the plan. 
  • Any other responsibilities that the Dean of the College may consider adding. 

Curriculum and Programs Unit



The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


The Vice Dean


The Vice Dean for Development, Quality and Academic Accreditation


Departments' Heads


  • Coordinate with the Standing Committee for Plans and Programs at the university to develop study plans for the college. 
  • Review existing plans in light of the criteria approved and required for academic accreditation from the National Authority for Academic Accreditation and international organizations.
  • Propose the necessary updates to existing plans in coordination with the relevant departments. 
  • Take the necessary measures and follow up the implementation of updated existing plans. 
  • Propose new programs in the college and follow up their accreditation in coordination with departments. 

ِAnnual Report Committee


The Dean


The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


The Vice Dean


Vice Dean for Development, Quality and Academic Accreditation


Departments' Heads


  • Follow up the units and committees' references to gather periodic reports on the achievements of the committees both in Arabic and English. 
  • Collect and audit statistics for the college's students and members from its beginning up-to-date. 
  • Prepare the college's annual report at the end of the academic year. 


Scholars Affairs Committee



Dr. Abdel Samad Yehia


Lecturer/ Mahmoud Salah El-Din Hassn


Lecturer / Rebekah Ghadbai


Mr. Ahmad Abdulaziz Al-Matrafi



  • Create a file for each scholar that includes all decisions related to them. 
  • Follow up on and communicate with scholars, inquire about their career during the scholarship period, prepare reports on their education and submit them to the College Council. 
  • Follow up on scholars' applications with different departments within the college and university. 
  • Prepare a detailed annual report on the status of the scholarship program at the college and departmental levels and submit it to the College Council. 


Male Students Discipline Committee


Under the direct supervision of The Dean



The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


Dr. Adnan Shodury


Lecturer/ Mahmoud Salah El-Din Hassan El-Sayd


Female Students Discipline Committee



The Vice Dean of Academic Affairs


Dr. Jihan Suleiman



  • Investigate the students' cases referred to it. 
  • Clarify the circumstances of the violation in detail. 


Student Activities Committee (Male students)

Under the direct supervision of The Dean




The Vice Dean of Academic Affairs


Dr. Tawfiq Salem Al-Saedani


Mr. Ahmed Abdulaziz Al-Matrafi


Mr. Aref Aziz Al-Shamry



  • Build the college's extra-curricular plan for cultural and social, and scientific activities for male students with their requirements. 
  • Form subcommittees of male students to implement approved activity plans. 
  • Organize workshops, meetings, seminars, and scientific lectures held in the male section. 
  • Strengthen social links between college staff, students, and faculty members. 


Student Activities Committee (Female students)

Under the direct supervision of The Dean



The Vice Dean


Dr. Iman Hassan Abdel-Qawi Hassan


Prof. Mashael Eid Al-Anzi

MemberLecturer / Zainab Muhammad Kalai
MemberLecturer / Amani Murad Kchouk
MemberLecturer / Albia Maqbool Aalem



  • Build the college's plan for extra-curricular, cultural, social, and scientific activities in the female section with their requirements. 
  • Form subcommittees of female students to implement approved activity plans. 
  • Organize workshops, meetings, seminars, and scientific lectures held in the female section. 
  • Strengthen social links between college staff, students, and faculty members. 



Schedules and Addition Unit

Under the direct supervision of The Dean



Dr. Marwan Al-Kouki


Dr. Atef Al Gharbi


Lecturer / Amani Kshouk

MemberLecturer /Zainab Kalai
MemberLecturer / Noha Al-Khudiri
MemberProf. Ahmed Abdulaziz Al-Matrafi
MemberProf. Mashael Eid Al-Anzi


  • Prepare the college's lectures schedules and submit them to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at least one month before the semester's beginning. 
  • Prepare professors/halls schedules and submit them to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at least one month before the semester's beginning. 
  • Prepare the midterm and final exam schedules and approve them by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and the Dean of the College and announce them to students at least two weeks before the exams. 
  • Enter lectures schedules into the banner after their approval by the Dean and the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at least three weeks before the semester's beginning and according to the dates announced by the Deanship of Admission and Registration. 
  • Implement all processes associated with the banner after being approved by the competent bodies within the college. 
  • Submit a report to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs on the unit's needs from supporting deanships in all that serves the educational process. 
  • Prepare lists of students expected to graduate at the beginning of each semester and provide the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs with problems that may hinder their graduation of students expected to graduate and propose solutions to them. 
  • Prepare forms and files for students expected to graduate and submit them to the Vice-deanship for Admissions and Registration. 
  • Ensure the accuracy of the data and the completion of graduation requirements for students expected to graduate. 
  • The Dean or Vice Dean for Academic Affairs may add any other tasks. 

Academic Advising Committee

Under the direct supervision of The Dean



The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs 

Director of Academic Advising Unit Dr. Mohammad Al-Ayary

Information Systems Male  Coordinator

Dr. Atef Al Gharbi

Computer Science Male Coordinator

Lecturer/ Mahmood Salah-Addin Hassan

Information Systems Female  CoordinatorLecturer / Amani Kshouk
Computer Science Female CoordinatorDr. Eman Hassan


  • Spread and promote a culture of academic counseling in the college. 
  • Prepare students for university life and help them achieve the highest academic, psychological, and social adjustment levels. 
  • Raise awareness about the unit, its importance to students, and how to benefit from its services. 
  • Raise awareness of rules, regulations, and procedures governing the academic advising process in the college. 
  • Introduce students to the university, its colleges, supporting deanships and all its facilities and their role in serving the educational process. 
  • Inform students about the college, its vision, mission, goals, departments, academic programs, graduates' work fields, services provided by the unit. 
  • Provide the necessary support to students during their studies to complete the academic program within the specified period. 
  • Care for the student according to his academic status and personal needs. 
  • Implement, follow up, and evaluate academic counseling programs and services according to its regulations. 
  • Educate students about their abilities and provide them with the necessary tools and information, professional opportunities. 
  • Educate new students to all the requirements of university study, including attending lectures, absenteeism rate, and establishing a precise mechanism for this to be implemented at the beginning of each semester. 
  • Follow up on the academic advisors' performance according to a specific time plan. 
  • Prepare periodic reports on students' performance and submit them to the Academic Affairs Committee to make recommendations. 
  • Care for outstanding, average, and low-achieving students, and meet their personal needs. 
  • Prepare periodic statistical reports on pass/failure/denial/withdrawal/postponement rates with descriptive estimates of courses. 
  • Inventory of students' academic status: Expelled, dropped-out, Withdrawn, Truant (1st, 2nd, 3rd Truancy). 
  • Prepare statistics for outstanding, talented, low-achieving, and special needs students. 
  • Follow up on students' attendance and write truancy notices for students with an absenteeism rate that exceeds 20% 
  • Follow students academically -especially low-achieving students-. Develop the necessary plans to help them finish graduation requirements on time. 


Books Committee

Under the direct supervision of The Dean



Dr. Othman Shoudry 

MemberDr. Khalid Al-kafi


Dr.Razia Haidar


  • Create a database of required books. 
  • Review and update current references for all departments in coordination with them. 
  • Ensure availability of references. 
  • Provide free copies for faculty members through cooperation with publishers. 
  • Ensure that the college library is provided with all necessary books, scientific, digital, and electronic journals related to computer science, information technology, and information systems. 

Laboratories Committee

Under the direct supervision of The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


Dr. Umair Rafeeq

MemberProf. Ahmed Abdel Aziz Al-Matrafi


Prof. Aref Aziz Al-Shamry

MemberProf. Abdullah Al-Rawi Al-Matrafi


  • Develop laboratories by suggesting appropriate equipment and programs for academic plans. 
  • Prepare laboratories, including installing necessary programs in coordination with the departments. 
  • Supervise the maintenance of college laboratories, ensure their readiness, and plan periodic maintenance. 
  • Supervise the maintenance of laboratories/hall projectors, ensure their readiness, and plan periodic maintenance. 

Graduation Projects Committee

Under the direct supervision of The Vice  Dean of Academic Affairs



Dr. Hafidh Al-Zayani

MemberDepartments Heads


Lecturer/ Noha Al-khothery



  • Establish a suggestion box containing the proposals of students and professors to be used for graduation projects, provided that they are applied projects that serve the college, university, and society. 
  • Present proposed projects to students to choose from them. 
  • Prepare specifications and contents of project reports and inform professors, supervisors, and students about them. 
  • Establish a precise mechanism for projects implementation and follow-up. Supervise their evaluation. 
  • Create a database that contains projects with supervisors, student names, and other necessary information. 
  • Arrange discussions schedules and committees a month before the end of each semester and approve them by the Dean. 
  • Hold periodic meetings for project students to guide them on starting, preparing, and presenting their projects. 
  • Coordinate students' participation in exhibitions and presentations of projects in preparation for their final discussion. 
  • Coordinate students' participation in scientific forums and conferences inside and outside the university with their graduation projects. 
  • Suggest everything that would raise the level of graduation projects.

Collage Website Committee

Under the direct supervision of The Dean



Dr. Yamin Al-Twati

MemberDr. Atif Al-Gharbi


  • Communicate with the Deanship of Information Technology with all matters related to the website. 
  • Continuously follow up and update the college website. 
  • Present the content in a way that attracts website users. 
  • Add new sections/points/information to the website as needed by the college. 
  • Translate the website into English. 


Quality and Academic Accreditation Committee

Under the direct supervision of The Vice  Dean of Development, Quality, and Academic Accreditation 




Dr. Hafez Mahmoud Al-Zayani

MemberProf. Ahmed Abdulaziz Al-Matrafi


  • Follow up the Quality, Evaluation, and Academic Accreditation activities in the college. 
  • Prepare reports on Quality and Evaluation and submit them to the Vice Dean for Quality. 
  • Form internal sub-committees to accomplish work-related to Quality and ِAcademic Accreditation. 
  • Follow-up to extract performance indicators and benchmarks for the college. 
  • Provide support and assistance to the Quality Committee in the program. 
  • Prepare quarterly and annual quality reports and submit them to the Vice Dean for Quality. 
  • Identify all beneficiaries' expectations, requirements, and needs to use them in future planning processes. 
  • Study the training needs of faculty members in Quality and submit them to the supervisory committee. 

Quality Supervisory Committee




The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs 

MemberThe Vice  Dean of Development, Quality, and Academic Accreditation


The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs 


The Vice Dean

MemberDr. Mohammad AL-ra'of Al -Ayari


  • Promote the culture of َuality in all departments and programs of the college. 
  • Set the general framework for Quality and Academic Accreditation in the college. 
  • Draft the executive plan to acquire Academic Accreditation for all Academic programs in the college. 
  • Supervise the financial affairs of the college with regard to Quality following regulations. 
  • Form committees to follow up on the objectives and requirements for Quality in the Strategic Plan of the university, college, and departments. 
  • Suggest developmental projects related to Quality in the college, form committees, and follow up on their implementation. 
  • Form committees and work teams for the initial self-study of the college and its various programs. 
  • Direct and follow up identifying evidence for judging sub- and main Quality practices and standards and calculating performance indicators. 
  • Discuss various reports received from the programs and write recommendations before submittal to the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation. 
  • Suggest persons to be internal and external auditors to review and audit Quality in the college's programs. Work to facilitate their mission. 
  • Assist all academic programs in the college to acquire Academic Accreditation from Quality, Evaluation, and Academic accreditation commissions. 
  • Approve the training needs of faculty members in Quality and complete the necessary procedures for their implementation. 

Executive Quality Committee

Under the direct supervision of The Vice  Dean of Development, Quality, and Academic Accreditation 



The Vice  Dean of Development, Quality, and Academic Accreditation

Vice-HeadQuality Unit Director

Quality Representatives in Programs

Departments Heads  


  • Spread Quality culture in the college and its various departments and programs. 
  • Contribute to implementing the Strategic and Executive Plan for Quality and its activation in the college's academic programs. 
  • Follow up on the processes and procedures for applying Quality standards and academic accreditation periodically and continuously in all college's departments and programs. 
  • Prepare annual or semi-annual reports and submit them to the college's supervisory committee. 
  • Continuously follow up on the self-evaluation of the college and academic programs to identify strengths and areas of improvement and to set the necessary improvement and development plans. 
  • Communicate constantly with faculty members to understand their training needs. 
  • Provide assistance and support to work teams and their directors of the self-evaluation study for the college and its programs. 
  • Follow up on periodic reports and program/course descriptions in all college programs. 
  • Prepare an integrated guide for Quality and Academic Accreditation to assist the college in obtaining Academic Accreditation for its programs. 
  • Determine benchmarks to Quality in the college programs. 
  • Urge beneficiaries to fill out Quality questionnaires to calculate performance indicators. 
  • Build the necessary quantitative and qualitative databases and statistics for the college. Work to address and update them on an ongoing basis. 
  • Launch various Excellence and Quality awards and motivate and encourage faculty members to participate. 
  • Carry out any other work and tasks assigned to it that fall within its limits.

Statistics and Information Committee

Under the direct supervision of The Dean



The Vice  Dean of Development, Quality, and Academic Accreditation

MemberThe Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


The Vice Dean 


Departments Heads

MemberDr. Khalid Kafi


  • Computerize the data collection process, create and update the necessary databases with the required statistics and update them continuously. 
  • Prepare and process statistics related to students, faculty members, and others of similar status and college employees. 
  • Provide the college's vice deanships, departments, units, and committees with the required statistics. 
  • Analyze and process statistical data as required. 
  • Collect passing statistics for male and female students to help issue indicators and analysis for decision-making. 
  • Prepare a quarterly report on the committee's work, including the achievements, goals' obstacles, and improvement proposals, and submit it to the Dean. 


Alumni Committee


The Vice  Dean of Development, Quality, and Academic Accreditation

MemberDr. Marwan Al-Koki


Lecturer/ Nesreen Rabab'ah



  • Computerize the data collection process, create and update the necessary databases with the required statistics and update them continuously. 
  • Prepare and process statistics related to students, faculty members, and others of similar status and college employees. 
  • Provide the college's vice deanships, departments, units, and committees with the required statistics. 
  • Analyze and process statistical data as required. 
  • Collect passing statistics for male and female students to help issue indicators and analysis for decision-making. 
  • Prepare a quarterly report on the committee's work, including the achievements, goals' obstacles, and improvement proposals, and submit it to the Dean.